Thursday, November 26, 2009

pay it forward

On this day, as well as this time of year I am reminded of all of my blessings. I am filled with a silent peace. It is not enough to say that I feel blessed. I have been given so much.

Recently I have started reflecting on my life and what I have done with it. Have I done enough? No. I can say that without hesitation.

Every Christmas season Len & I always donate to a children's charity of some kind, but that is not enough. Giving a humble amount of money to a charity is not a note worthy act of service. What about the remainder of the year when so many people go without? My children have no idea what it means to "go without". My heart aches for all those Mother's who struggle to feed their children. When I think of all those without, I begin to get a very anxious feeling in my chest. I hate watching the news. Sorry to be such a Debbie downer. So, where am I going with this? I will tell you.

I am making my new years resolution now. Daily simple acts of service. Because I have been given much, I too must give. I am going to keep a record of all of my acts of service and hope that within a years time I will have helped others, and become a better person. I guess my goal is a little on the selfish side, but I am only human!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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